Thursday, July 14, 2016

Three Sides of a Square

I just got back from a two hour walk around Waterloo, but no, I wasn’t playing Pokémon Go. I was clearing my head by flushing it out with loud music. After work, I was burnt out and a long stroll seemed like a good remedy.

Now, a storm is raging outside and it makes me wonder if Pokémon Go could incorporate local weather to the types of Pokémon available. Also, someone should cash in on Pokédex phone cases. There were packs of people on my walk catching Pokémon and a particularly large crowd in the Veteran’s Green outside of Wilfrid Laurier University.

Sitting down now, I’m reminded of a post I saw on Facebook yesterday or the day before that read “Half of my friends are getting married and the other half are running around catching Pokémon.” Although I don’t fall under either category, I can identify with the sentiment. I’m lost somewhere in between the nostalgic retrograde and orderly matrimony. I’m thinking at most one year ahead and my only structure revolves around work and taking out the garbage on Fridays.

At one point during my walk, I got to an intersection with construction on my side. There were signs for pedestrians to go around, though the way was clear straight ahead. And, because I was in a thinking kind of mood, I thought how here I can take the three sides of a square, doing what’s “safe” and expected as opposed to what seemed reasonable. In my early 20s, I feel like I’m doing just that. I work my 5 days, coast through weekends, and save for nothing in particular. What to do? Another degree? Teach abroad? Travel some more? If I look back on my writing, I’m sure I’d find judgements cast against my current situation. I warned myself and yet here I am. Working. Saving. Rounding a third edge again and again.

But not all hope is lost. I still learn for pleasure. I’m adopting important habits. And in a year’s time, I’ll make sure I’m ready for something new, exciting, and yes, perhaps unconventional. 

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