Monday, February 02, 2015

Kelso Cliffs

As I wadded over the knee-high snow banks of the would-be sidewalks, I couldn’t suppress my laughter. Pushing on, I thought to myself that this thirty minute walk to work was more strenuous than a whole day exploring Kelso Cliffs. My glasses frosted over, so I took them off. Next, my eyelashes started to freeze together. If only work had snow days.
Lime Kiln
The snow storm began the night before, during our meal at Kelsey’s, where the group unwound after several hours of hiking and exploring caves. Obviously, it wasn’t the kind of group to remember that Superbowl XLIX was about to begin. I was the most engaged in the game, but my only conscious thought surrounded the amusing fact that next year, the game would be called Superbowl “L.”
Our Guide
Organized by one of my housemates, a few members of the University of Waterloo Outers Club strayed east of the city. Armoured in several layers and ice cleats, we summited the hill around Glen Eden, stopping for scenic views and to descend into caves. My phone became too cold and shut off after 4 pictures, so I got to immerse myself in the experience.
The Narrow Gorge
I had never been caving before. Though I can still say I’m not claustrophobic, for brief moments I reconsidered my position, twisted in odd angles between rocks several feet underground. As one hiker quipped, “It’s the opposite of climbing a tree – don’t look up!” The comment was actually made for a different kind of fear: arachnophobia. Beneath the earth, still scurrying about every now and then, one would find a large spider next to their face or above their head. What an experience that would be during the summer!
View from Kelso's "Chair"
Our group spent hours in the cliffs, then revelled through a narrow gorge. Each had their turn in a rock formation suited as a couch, looking out on the most surreal panoramic view – outmatching the latest high definition graphics. Getting out – even in the cold – is the perfect reaffirmation that there are more pleasures in this world than cozying up in bed on the weekend.

P.S. Thank you to those whose pictures I stole for this post! 

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